4688 poze   141116 vizite

Irisi intermediari 2016

Ameila Bedeila alb crem
Antartique (Cayeux-
Ask Alma (Lankow -1987 roz )
Apricot Frosty
Baie Rose (Cayeux-2005)
Ballycastle Keppel-2001)
Bel Azur (Cayeux -1993 bleu clar)
Blast (Hager-1993)
Blue Eyed Blonde
Broadway Baby (Gatty-1986)
Brown Lasso (Niswonger-bicolor D.M.)
California Style Sutton-2003) crem
Citizen Band (Keppel-2000)
Delirium (Smith-2001)
Donegal (Keppel-1996)
Firebug (Gatty-1994)bicolor
Flying Circus (Keppel-2003)
Helen Procktor (Briscoe- negru ) 20
Her Majesty roz fucsia 6 lei
Honey Glazed( Niswonger -1982 bicolor
In the Mist
Lenora Pearl
Low Ho Silver
Maui Moonlight (Aitken -1986 galben )
Masked Bandit
Mistigri(Cayeux -1003 plicata )
Nibelungen (Koeneman-1910 bicolor ) 3
Petit Tigre
Prince of Burgundy
Protocol (Keppel-1994) amoena 10 lei
Rare Edition (Gatty-1980 plicata )
Red Zinger (Black -1985 rosu )
Sangreal Sass-1935 galben Re*) 6
Season Ticket (Gatty orange Re*) 15
Starwoman (Smith -1998 pl. violet )
Synergy (Keppel-2004)
Tact (Keppel-1994) amoena
Triplet (Keppel-1987)

Zing Me
Ameila Bedeila
Ameila Bedeila
Ask Alma
Ask Alma
Bel Azur
Bel Azur
Broadway Baby
Broadway Baby
Brown Lasso
Brown Lasso
Helen Procktor
Helen Procktor
Lenora Pearl
Lenora Pearl
Low Ho Silver
Low Ho Silver
Maui Moonlight
Maui Moonlight

Comentarii album • 1
Fanita 28 September 2015  
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